Exchange & return


Avoid unnecessary returns. In Germany, around 5 million parcels are delivered EVERY DAY. about 15% of these are returns from online orders. That's 750,000 packages every day, making 165 million packages a year. If you can drive around 120 packages a day with one truck, then 6,250 trucks are busy every day just processing returns, the majority of which could very easily be avoided.

We have stored measurement tables for all items. Measuring instead of estimating and with the smallest effort you have done something for the environment and last but not least for the fact that we can keep our low prices, because returns not only cost resources, but also a lot of money.

Not only we, but also the environment will thank you if you order carefully.


Would you like to exchange your order or report a complaint? You can of course return all items within 14 days without giving a reason, provided they are unused and in the condition in which they were delivered. Please test your ordered items carefully so that there are no signs of use and send the goods back to us in the original packaging. There is no right of return for worn or washed items. First-class service is our top priority and we therefore ask you to notify us of any complaints or returns by email ( This enables us to solve problems quickly and can even make a return unnecessary.


Contact our customer service, we are happy to help you:

Telephone: +49 (0) 4185 - 797 05 43

Return - step by step

1. Preparation: Please pack the items you have ordered carefully and fill in the address field of your package as follows:

Alexander Benjamin Moser BOLZR Osterberg 8A 21220 Seevetal

2. Packaging: Stick the address label on your package and seal the package securely.

3. Shipment: You can drop off your parcel at any parcel point you know. It is best to keep your return receipt until you have received the confirmation email from us.

4. Refund: Once we receive your package, processing and refunding can take up to 14 days. If the purchase amount has not been refunded after 14 days, please contact us.